Simulation League
19 December 1997


PPT Slides

1. Introduction


The RoboCup Competition pits robots (real and virtual) against each other in a simulated soccer tournament.

The aim of the RoboCup competition is to foster an interdisciplinary approach to robotics and agent-based AI by presenting a domain that requires large-scale coorperation and coordination in a dynamic, noisy, complex environment.


1.1 Challenges


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2. Architecture of Robocup Soccer Simulator


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3. Format and Regulations of Game

3.1 Format of Game


3.2 Format of a Competition

The competition shall be played in two rounds.

First Round:

Second Round:


3.2 Regulation of Game

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4. Team Coordination and Agent Architectures

Two Approaches to Building a Soccer Team:


4.1 Using Genetic Programming to Learn Individual and Team Behaviours


4.1.1 Common form of Genetic Programming by John Koza

4.1.2 Breeding operators for GP system


4.1.3 Co-evolution evaluation algorithm for Competitions


4.2. Using High-Level Concepts such as Roles, Responsibilities and Strategies

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5. Robocup Demonstration

Section 1: Installation of Robocup Software

Section 2: Startup Server, Clients & creation of Matches

Section 3: Robocup in Action!

PS: The clients software in the demo are from Dr. Noda Itsuki.


5.1 Demo: Installation of Robocup Software

Click Image to open Video
Open Script


5.2 Demo: Startup Server, Clients & creation of Matches

Click Image to open Video
Open Script



5.3 Demo: Robocup in Action!

5.3.1 Semi-Finals Round 1: Diana's Team vs Jack's Team

(1mb, AVI, 2fps) Click Image to open Video
Open Script



5.3.2 Semi-Finals Round 2: T-Rex's Team vs Diana's Team

(1.2 mb, AVI, 2fps) Click Image to open Video
Open Script



5.3.2 Finals: Diana's Team vs Bob's Team

(1mb, AVI, 2fps) Click Image to open Video
Open Script

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6. Q&A Session (hyperlinks updated on 8 Nov 2002)


Created on 17 December 1997. Last revised on 8 Nov 2002

NABS (Nuts & Bolts Session) was attended by Dr. Lee Hingyan, Dr. Lai Kok Fung, Atul, Chang Wen, Chris, Cjin Pheow, Clifford, Jee Siong, , Kwok Leong, Raja, Soo Hye, Wang Kang, Winson, Yu Ying & Zhen Lu.

Presentors: Tralvex Yeap & Tay Joc Cing

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